7/3 - mile 1582 - Have the 0100-0300 tonight and the 1500-1800 this afternoon. Each day it rotates one forward as there are 9 watches in a day for 5 people, so tomorrow I will move to 0300-0500 and 1800-2100. The late watches are all two hours - cushy with 5 people. It’s a lot harder with 2 or even 1 person.
Weather is starting to change as we move more into the high latitude Pacific. Heavy fog last 24 hours as the water has dropped from 70 a few days ago to 60 now. Another 10-15 degrees to go before Attu and Adak. Air is super damp and much chillier than yesterday. Good to have good gear as it’s getting a whole lot colder.
Seeing a lot of ship traffic here. We seem to be in the major China - US route lately - having seen 5 ships in the last 24 hours. Have only seen them on radar and AIS as visibility is currently around 100 yards, even if it was light out.
Heading a little more west based on the weather charts. Looks like light wind and motoring on and off over next 2-3 days before wind starts filling in more as we get ready to turn west parallel to the Aleutians in 5 days of so.
Hope everyone’s asleep!